/* ============================================================================ *\
|| ########################################################################## ||
|| # Auction Software Marketplace Release: 0.6 Build 0.7 # ||
|| # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # ||
|| # License # 35YAHCNR9344X6O666C123AB # ||
|| # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # ||
|| # Copyright ©2014–2021 Develop Scripts LLC. All Rights Reserved # ||
|| # This file may not be redistributed in whole or significant part. # ||
|| # ------------- AUCTION SOFTWARE IS NOT FREE SOFTWARE ------------------ # ||
|| # http://www.auctionsoftwaremarketplace.com|support@auctionsoftware.com # ||
|| # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # ||
|| ########################################################################## ||
\* ============================================================================ */
const dateFormat = require('dateformat')
const md5 = require('md5')
const _ = require('underscore')
const commonSQL = require('../../common/sql').default
const mysqclass = require('./mysqli').default
* @class class to handle communication functions
class adminCommuncationModule {
* Get Single Template
* @param {number} id Template ID which has to be fetched
* @returns {object} sql response
static async etempsbyId(id) {
const mysql = {}
const escapeData = [id]
const strQuery = await mysqclass.mysqli(mysql, 'get_single_comm_template')
const dataReturn = await global.mysql.query(strQuery, escapeData)
return dataReturn
* All Communication Templates
* @param {object} req request data
* @param {string} count count for the pagination
* @returns {object} sql response
static async alltemps(req, count) {
const mysql = {}
req.body.action = typeof req.body.action === 'undefined' ? 'email' : req.body.action
mysql.where = ''
const { action } = req.body
const dateNow = dateFormat(new Date(), 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:ss')
mysql.order = 'order by id desc'
const order = req.body.order === '' ? 'asc' : req.body.order
const orderby = req.body.orderby === '' && !req.body.orderby ? '' : req.body.orderby
if (orderby !== '') {
mysql.order = ` order by ${orderby} ${order}`
if (req.body.searchterm !== '' && req.body.searchterm !== undefined) {
let changed = req.body.searchterm.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\\\\\')
changed = changed.replace(/"/g, '\\"')
mysql.where += `and (title like "%${changed}%" or id like "%${changed}%")`
let row = ''
const pagen = (req.body.page - 1) * req.body.limit
const limitf = ` limit ${pagen},${req.body.limit}`
mysql.limit = limitf
mysql.dateNow = dateNow
const escapeData = [action]
if (count === 1) {
row = 'get_all_comm_templates_limit'
} else {
row = 'get_all_comm_templates'
const strQuery = await mysqclass.mysqli(mysql, row)
const dataReturn = await global.mysql.query(strQuery, escapeData)
console.log('dataReturn', strQuery)
console.log('dataReturn', dataReturn)
return dataReturn
* All Email and SMS logs
* @param {object} req request data
* @param {string} count count for the pagination
* @returns {object} sql response
static async alllogsemails(req, count) {
const mysql = {}
let limit = ''
mysql.where = ''
mysql.order = 'ORDER BY id DESC'
if (count === 0) {
const pagen = (req.body.page - 1) * req.body.limit
limit = `limit ${pagen},${req.body.limit}`
} else {
limit = ''
if (req.body.subject !== '') {
mysql.where += `and (subject like "%${req.body.subject}%")`
if (req.body.emailsearch !== '') {
mysql.where += `and (email like "%${req.body.emailsearch}%")`
const sortype = req.query.stype === '' ? 'asc' : req.query.stype
if (req.query.sname !== '') {
if (req.query.sname === 'sortdate') {
mysql.order = ` order by date_sent ${sortype}`
mysql.limit = limit
const escapeData = []
const strQuery = await mysqclass.mysqli(mysql, '833')
const dataReturn = await global.mysql.query(strQuery, escapeData)
return dataReturn
* Complete a template action
* @param {object} req request data
* @returns {object} sql response
static async templateOperation(req) {
const mysql = {}
const postData = req.body
req.body.type = 'global'
req.body.status = 1
req.body.buyer = 1
const acceptedObjects = [
let escapeData = []
let row = ''
if (req.body.id) {
const defaultKeys = ['updated_at']
const defaultValues = [dateFormat(new Date(), 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:ss')]
const valueInsert = commonSQL.updateSQLFunction(
mysql.keys = valueInsert.keys
escapeData = valueInsert.escapeData
row = 'update_on_templates'
mysql.template_id = req.body.id
} else {
const defaultKeys = ['created_at']
const defaultValues = [dateFormat(new Date(), 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:ss')]
const valueInsert = commonSQL.InsertSQLFunction(
mysql.keys = valueInsert.keys
mysql.values = valueInsert.values
escapeData = valueInsert.escapeData
row = 'insert_into_templates'
const strQuery = await mysqclass.mysqli(mysql, row)
const data = await global.mysql.query(strQuery, escapeData)
console.log('strQuery', strQuery, escapeData)
return data
* Get one static page content
* @param {number} id static page id which details has to be fetched
* @returns {object} sql response
static async getStaticPagebyId(id) {
const mysql = {}
const escapeData = [id]
const strQuery = await mysqclass.mysqli(mysql, 'get_single_static_page')
const dataReturn = await global.mysql.query(strQuery, escapeData)
return dataReturn
* All Static page contents
* @param {object} req request data
* @param {string} count count for the pagination
* @returns {object} sql response
static async allStaticPage(req, count) {
const mysql = {}
req.body.action = typeof req.body.action === 'undefined' ? 'email' : req.body.action
mysql.where = ''
const { action } = req.body
const dateNow = dateFormat(new Date(), 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:ss')
mysql.order = 'order by id desc'
const order = req.body.order === '' ? 'asc' : req.body.order
const orderby = req.body.orderby === '' && !req.body.orderby ? '' : req.body.orderby
if (orderby !== '') {
mysql.order = ` order by ${orderby} ${order}`
if (req.body.searchterm !== '' && req.body.searchterm !== undefined) {
let changed = req.body.searchterm.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\\\\\')
changed = changed.replace(/"/g, '\\"')
mysql.where += `and (name like "%${changed}%" or id like "%${changed}%")`
let row = ''
const pagen = (req.body.page - 1) * req.body.limit
const limitf = ` limit ${pagen},${req.body.limit}`
mysql.limit = limitf
mysql.dateNow = dateNow
const escapeData = [action]
if (count === 1) {
row = 'get_all_static_page_limit'
} else {
row = 'get_all_static_page'
const strQuery = await mysqclass.mysqli(mysql, row)
const dataReturn = await global.mysql.query(strQuery, escapeData)
return dataReturn
* To do a static page operation
* @param {object} req request data
* @returns {object} sql response
static async staticPageOperation(req) {
const mysql = {}
const postData = req.body
const acceptedObjects = ['name', 'content']
let escapeData = []
let row = ''
if (req.body.id) {
const defaultKeys = []
const defaultValues = []
const valueInsert = commonSQL.updateSQLFunction(
mysql.keys = valueInsert.keys
escapeData = valueInsert.escapeData
row = 'update_on_static_page'
mysql.static_page_id = req.body.id
} else {
const defaultKeys = []
const defaultValues = []
const valueInsert = commonSQL.InsertSQLFunction(
mysql.keys = valueInsert.keys
mysql.values = valueInsert.values
escapeData = valueInsert.escapeData
row = 'insert_into_static_page'
const strQuery = await mysqclass.mysqli(mysql, row)
const data = await global.mysql.query(strQuery, escapeData)
return data
module.exports.default = adminCommuncationModule