/* ============================================================================ *\
|| ########################################################################## ||
|| # Auction Software Marketplace Release: 0.6 Build 0.7 # ||
|| # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # ||
|| # License # 35YAHCNR9344X6O666C123AB # ||
|| # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # ||
|| # Copyright ©2014–2021 Develop Scripts LLC. All Rights Reserved # ||
|| # This file may not be redistributed in whole or significant part. # ||
|| # ------------- AUCTION SOFTWARE IS NOT FREE SOFTWARE ------------------ # ||
|| # http://www.auctionsoftwaremarketplace.com|support@auctionsoftware.com # ||
|| # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # ||
|| ########################################################################## ||
\* ============================================================================ */
/* eslint-disable prefer-destructuring */
/* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */
const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken')
const adminAuctionModule = require('../../modules/auction').default
const schemaModule = require('./schema').default
const commonFunction = require('../../../common/function').default
const { jsonResponse } = require('../logger')
const shortDescribeSCH = async (items) => {
function changingdata(item) {
item.avatarorg =
item.file_name === '' || item.file_name === null
? `${global.s3_static_image_url}images/pics-coming.jpg`
: `${global.s3_static_image_url}uploads/auction/${item.file_name}`
return item
const promises = items.map(changingdata)
items = await Promise.all(promises)
return items
* Re configure the end time for the auction projects
* @memberOf adminside.auction
* @param {string} auctionLotId auctionID for which the configuration end time has to be changed
* @param {adminAuctionModule.fetchAuctionbyID} modules
* @param {adminAuctionModule.updateAllCloseDates} modules
* @param {adminAuctionModule.getAllSubLots} modules
* @param {adminAuctionModule.updatelofdetails} modules
const reConfigureEndTime = async (auctionLotId) => {
const [auctionLot] = await Promise.all([adminAuctionModule.fetchAuctionbyID(auctionLotId)])
await Promise.all([
if (auctionLot[0].ending_enable === 1) {
const [subLots] = await Promise.all([adminAuctionModule.getAllSubLots(auctionLotId)])
let updatelotcnt = 0
let updatelottime = auctionLot[0].ending_mins
let list = 1
let belowFiveIncrement = new Date()
const processAllItems = async (items) => {
const newdt = new Date(auctionLot[0].date_closed)
updatelotcnt += 1
if (auctionLot[0].ending_mins === updatelottime && list === 1) {
belowFiveIncrement = new Date(auctionLot[0].date_closed)
} else {
const minutesaddition = parseInt(updatelottime, 10) * 60000
belowFiveIncrement = new Date(newdt.getTime() + minutesaddition)
adminAuctionModule.updatelofdetails(items.id, belowFiveIncrement)
if (auctionLot[0].ending_items === updatelotcnt) {
updatelotcnt = 0
if (auctionLot[0].ending_mins === updatelottime && list === 1) {
list = 0
} else {
updatelottime += auctionLot[0].ending_mins
return true
return true
const resultloop = []
subLots.forEach(async (element) => {
const looptoformat = await processAllItems(element)
await Promise.all(resultloop)
return true
module.exports = {
* Get Auction Lots
* @memberOf adminside.auction
* @param {adminAuctionModule.fetchAuctionsAll} modules
auctionlots: async (req, res) => {
req.body.action = typeof req.body.action === 'undefined' ? 'open' : req.body.action
let records = []
let totalRecords = []
try {
;[records, totalRecords] = await Promise.all([
adminAuctionModule.fetchAuctionsAll(req, 0),
adminAuctionModule.fetchAuctionsAll(req, 1),
records = await shortDescribeSCH(records)
} catch (e) {
jsonResponse(res, 'error', {
responseType: 3,
message: 'Internal Server error!',
} finally {
let responseData = { records, totalRecords }
responseData = await commonFunction.getdynamicinnercontents(req, responseData)
jsonResponse(res, 'success', {
responseType: 1,
message: 'Details successfully retrieved!',
* Auction Actions
* @memberOf adminside.auction
* @param {adminAuctionModule.auctionOperation} modules
* @param {adminAuctionModule.emptyOutAuctionID} modules
* @param {adminAuctionModule.auctionProjectUpdateexist} modules
auctionAction: async (req, res) => {
try {
if (typeof req.file !== 'undefined') {
req.body.avatar = req.file.filename
req.body.ending_enable = !!(req.body.ending_enable && req.body.ending_enable === 'true')
req.body.id =
typeof req.body.id === 'undefined' ||
req.body.id === 0 ||
req.body.id === '0' ||
req.body.id === ''
? null
: req.body.id
const results = await Promise.all([adminAuctionModule.auctionOperation(req)])
if (req.body.id) {
req.body.auction_id = req.body.id
} else {
req.body.auction_id = results[0].insertId
await Promise.all([adminAuctionModule.emptyOutAuctionID(req.body.auction_id)])
await Promise.all([adminAuctionModule.auctionProjectUpdateexist(req)])
await reConfigureEndTime(req.body.auction_id)
} catch (e) {
jsonResponse(res, 'error', {
responseType: 3,
message: 'Internal Server error!',
} finally {
const responseData = {}
jsonResponse(res, 'success', {
responseType: 1,
message: req.body.id ? 'Successfully updated!' : 'Successfully added!',
* Get Single Auction Details
* @memberOf adminside.auction
* @param {adminAuctionModule.fetchAuctionbyID} modules
getSingleAuction: async (req, res) => {
let record = {}
try {
const id = typeof req.body.id === 'undefined' ? '' : req.body.id
let [records] = await Promise.all([adminAuctionModule.fetchAuctionbyID(id)])
records = await shortDescribeSCH(records)
record = records[0]
} catch (e) {
jsonResponse(res, 'error', {
responseType: 3,
message: 'Internal Server error!',
} finally {
const responseData = { record }
jsonResponse(res, 'success', {
responseType: 1,
message: 'Details successfully retrieved!',
* Add Project to Auctions
* @memberOf adminside.auction
* @param {adminAuctionModule.auctionProjectUpdateexist} modules
* @param {adminside.auction.reConfigureEndTime} modules
addtoAuction: async (req, res) => {
try {
const responseData = {}
const auctionId = typeof req.body.auction_id === 'undefined' ? '' : req.body.auction_id
if (auctionId) {
await Promise.all([adminAuctionModule.auctionProjectUpdateexist(req)])
await reConfigureEndTime(auctionId)
jsonResponse(res, 'success', {
responseType: 1,
message: 'Successfully added!',
} else {
jsonResponse(res, 'error', {
responseType: 1,
message: 'No Auction selected!',
} catch (e) {
jsonResponse(res, 'error', {
responseType: 3,
message: 'Internal Server error!',
* Get All projects for the auction
* @memberOf adminside.auction
* @param {adminAuctionModule.getAllAssociatedAuctions} modules
getAllProjectsAssociated: async (req, res) => {
let records = []
try {
const id = typeof req.body.id === 'undefined' ? '' : req.body.id
;[records] = await Promise.all([adminAuctionModule.getAllAssociatedAuctions(id)])
} catch (e) {
jsonResponse(res, 'error', {
responseType: 3,
message: 'Internal Server error!',
} finally {
const responseData = { records }
jsonResponse(res, 'success', {
responseType: 1,
message: 'Details successfully retrieved!',
* Change Status of the Auction
* @memberOf adminside.auction
* @param {adminAuctionModule.emptyOutAuctionID} modules
* @param {adminAuctionModule.auctionStatusUpdate} modules
changeStatus: async (req, res) => {
try {
if (req.body.action && req.body.auction_id.length > 0) {
if (req.body.action === 'removed') {
await Promise.all([adminAuctionModule.emptyOutAuctionID(req.body.auction_id)])
await adminAuctionModule.auctionStatusUpdate(req.body.action, req.body.auction_id)
} catch (e) {
jsonResponse(res, 'error', {
responseType: 3,
message: 'Internal Server error!',
} finally {
const responseData = {}
jsonResponse(res, 'success', {
responseType: 1,
message: 'Status successfully changed',
// deleteauction: async (req, res) => {
// const auctionid = typeof req.body.auctionid === 'undefined' ? '' : req.body.auctionid
// if (auctionid && auctionid !== '') {
// await Promise.all([admin.delete_auction(auctionid)])
// jsonResponse(res, 'success', '')
// } else {
// jsonResponse(res, 'failed', '')
// }
// },
// deletelot: async (req, res) => {
// const lotid = typeof req.body.lotid === 'undefined' ? '' : req.body.lotid
// if (lotid && lotid !== '') {
// await Promise.all([admin.delete_auction(lotid), admin.delete_project_auct(lotid)])
// jsonResponse(res, 'success', '')
// } else {
// jsonResponse(res, 'failed', '')
// }
// },
// deleteVehicle: async (req, res) => {
// const vehicleid = typeof req.body.vehicleid === 'undefined' ? '' : req.body.vehicleid
// if (vehicleid && vehicleid !== '') {
// await Promise.all([admin.delete_products(vehicleid)])
// console.log('auction lot id: ', req.body.auct_id)
// await reConfigureEndTime(req.body.auct_id) // reconfigure the start / end time for each sub lots after updated the auction lot information
// jsonResponse(res, 'success', '')
// } else {
// jsonResponse(res, 'failed', '')
// }
// },